The idea behind conversational hypnosis techniques is that you subtly exert your influence over the person you're talking to, without them noticing it. Conversational hypnosis is a particularly tricky matter wherein most first timers end up being discovered - or jumping ship - before the whole thing ends. But as long as you stick to the following steps, you'll be able to ease your way into the person's mind without being discovered. Conversation Hypnosis Technique # 1: The Cycle It starts out with building rapport with your target. This means showing that you agree with their point of view. The second stage involves creating confusion. You can say one thing that might encourage your target to doubt their stand. Last is suggestion wherein you suggest your target to feel or act a certain way. Conversation Hypnosis Technique # 2: Been There, Done That When you're in a relaxed setting, you can't help but let your own experiences flow into the conversation. That is perfectly natural, so use it to your advantage. For example, if you want to talk a person into selling their car, you can casually share about the latest deal you just made or something related to your original intent. Conversation Hypnosis Technique # 3: Should Haves People hate dealing with "should haves." They hate knowing that they're going to miss out on a great experience. It's up to you to make sure that they don't. If you want to, for example, convince your friend to try skiing, tell them exactly how the whole thing would play out (all positive things, of course) and make them realize what fun that would be. Unless your friend has an extremely firm countenance, you're bound to be successful. Conversational
hypnosis techniques are very useful. Sometimes, all you need
is a little practice and self-confidence, and you'll be able
to pull some of them with ease. Resource
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