In this article, you'll discover 3 creative advertising ideas and techniques that work like gangbusters. Although the advertising industry is competitive in nature, it is also one of the most versatile and stimulating to be around. I've even heard that to be in advertising is to be paid to play around with ideas. From nothing, you have to create something. And even people who are not familiar with the industry agree that there are a lot of creative advertising ideas and techniques out there. Some of the best ideas hold remarkable recall. These can be timeless, classic, funny or just plain memorable. Here are some of the creative advertising ideas and techniques that have proven themselves to be winners, over and over again. 1) Keeping It Real. People like seeing "real" people and "real" situations. They make the product that you're advertising more relatable. For example, if you're trying to sell a dishwasher detergent, you can compose a "real" situation of a housewife washing the dishes. Stay away from overused copies that make your talents sound fake. Be as real as possible. If you want to portray a suburban household, be sure you know what a suburban household really looks and feels like. 2) Create A Character. One of the most effective creative advertising ideas and techniques is introducing a character to the audience. This character will serve as your product's representation, so make sure you create someone who represents your desired values or characteristics. Like the technique above, having a character helps people relate to your product. It makes all forms of ads more interesting too. In most situations, the character is used repeatedly in different ad materials. The character usually grows with each instance as well, depending on the story you have set out for it. 3) Introduce A Problem. A lot of creative advertising ideas and techniques involve introducing a problem. However, make sure that whatever that problem is, your product can solve it. This kind of technique has been working for advertisers for many years now. Don't be afraid to experiment with it though. You may start out with a problem; but how you present that problem and how you determine the solution is another story altogether. This is where you can get really creative. There
are plenty of creative ideas and techniques out there for you
to discover. These are just some of the ideas you can work with
in the future. But don't just stick to these methods. Who knows?
You just might come up with something so creative that your
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