Creative writing prompts are a writer's best friend. You might not think them important at first; but when you're stuck with writer's block and uninspired with just about everything, trust me, you will need their help! But what are creative writing prompts anyway? Well, these are questions or statements that tickle your brain cells and get your imagination back up and running. If you find yourself a little low on writing energy, I suggest you try these prompts out. 1) You wake up one morning only to find yourself in Egypt. What do you do? Creative writing prompts can be as crazy or outlandish as you want them to be. This is actually a good thing because your mind is forced to react to something new. Being stuck in Egypt without warning offers you an adventure. This is a fantasy world where you can bring yourself anywhere and do whatever you want. The story is your own and only you and your creativity can finish it. 2) If you could have an hour with God, what would you do with it? Here is another interesting question. Being face to face with your Creator will undoubtedly bring forth many questions you have wanted to ask in the past. Such a prompt will have you examining your own purpose in life and what you have done so far to make it meaningful. Answering this question can really open your mind up to the kind of person you are, which in turn, will help you become a better writer. 3) Describe a favorite childhood memory. Sometimes, a person tends to lose part of himself or herself growing up. By looking into the past, you will be able to come to terms with your childhood, and reminisce about whatever wonderful memories you may have had. Creative writing prompts that deal with the past can help you practice writing better descriptions and add more depth to your overall writing style. Creative
writing prompts are very interesting to take up. Even if you're
not bogged down with writer's block, it's still fun to answer
these what-ifs and hone your writing skills. Resource
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