A lot of people believe that miracles really happen. Of course, these things don't just happen to everybody. Sometimes, it's just the story of a friend of a friend. Other times, it's a story from a total stranger. Personally, I believe in the existence of miracles. There are a great many stories out there that tell of such impossible feats and experiences. Sometimes, these miracles appear in the form of one's faith in God. Sometimes, these miracles appear in the form of one's strong will. But do miracles really happen? Miraculous True Story Of A Mother and Her Children Stories of miracles performed by God are not uncommon. However, one never gets tired of reading or hearing about His miracles. This particular story is that of a mother and her twins. One is a boy and the other is a girl. When the mother gave birth to these two special children, everything seemed to be okay. However, as months passed, she noticed that while her male child was growing like a normal baby should, her female child wasn't. The latter was unresponsive and couldn't even eat properly or manage a crawl. The mother took her kid to the hospital where the baby girl was diagnosed as being hypotonic. According to the doctor, her development was three months behind her twin brother. The possibility of normalcy seemed low. Would she be able to crawl, much less walk? It seemed too much to comprehend. Do Miracles Really Happen When You Have Faith in God? One's faith in God has been known to make miracles happen. Such events have been recorded in the bible. Even now, God's healing powers seem to know no bounds. The mother prayed hard to God for her baby to get well. Her faith was strong. Lo and behold, the next morning, her baby girl seemed different. She was much more responsive than she had ever been in the last few months. The mother took her baby back to the hospital where they couldn't find anything wrong with her. The doctor couldn't pinpoint what exactly made her better either. Of Miracles and Such So does this answer the question, "Do miracles really happen?" The answer to that depends on how much faith you have in the greater power. Miracles can happen through a divine intervention or law of attraction. Sometimes, man is used as an instrument of change. Some doctors, despite their scientific background, also believe in miracles. In their profession, it's hard to miss when something biologically impossible happens. When a person on a deathbed suddenly gets better… When a child diagnosed with very weak muscles suddenly becomes normal in 24 hours… If
after this article, you still remain a skeptic, why don't you
try reading more stories of healing and miracles? If you still
don't believe that miracles really happen, perhaps now is not
yet your time. Perhaps one day, when you yourself witness a
miracle or have one happen to you, that is the time when you'll
learn to believe. Please tweet this article automatically by clicking the button below. Thank you! Important Message: Discover how to use the miraculous law of attraction superpower to help you succeed beyond your wildest dreams? Then get FREE instant access to over $2,355.00 worth of the best self-help ebooks free for a limited time at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/goldaccess.htm. Download now before they're removed. *** Please feel free to publish this article, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to mike@20daypersuasion.com