Excessive perspiration is not an easy condition to deal with. If you've exhausted all sorts of medical treatment and options available to you, if none of them seems to work, then give home remedies for excessive sweating a try before jumping into the surgical bandwagon. You might be surprised at how effective home remedies for excessive sweating are! Not only are they cost-efficient, they're also very natural and helps keep sweating at bay the healthy way. 1) Tomato Juice Personally, I love chewing on fresh tomatoes. Tomato juice is another matter. However, if you're perspiring more than normal and are looking for home remedies for excessive sweating, you don't really have a choice. Drinking a glass of tomato juice helps keep sweating at bay. Do this consistently for one week, and then you may reduce your intake into every other day the next week. 2) Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular home remedies for excessive sweating. It doesn't work for everyone, but it's certainly worth a try. Take two teaspoons of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey as well, three times a day on an empty stomach. Do this half an hour before eating or sleeping. Other people also like applying apple cider vinegar directly on their arm pits to eliminate body odor. 3) Cornstarch If you don't feel like drinking or taking something in, perhaps your answer lies in cornstarch. Cornstarch is your natural alternative to deodorant. Apply this on wherever you sweat profusely and you're good to go. Baking soda also gives you the same effect. There
are many medical treatments and options available for those
afflicted with hyperhidrosis. However, it's also a good idea
to see whether there are any home remedies for excessive sweating
which might help you deal with your condition in a healthier
way. The natural solutions are often the best cures. Important Message: Want to know a very easy method to stop sweaty armpits? CLICK HERE to discover the simple secret that a former extreme sweating victim has used to permanently cure his excessive underarm sweating problem. *** Please feel free to publish this article, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to mike@20daypersuasion.com