Learning how to be approachable to people will open a lot of doors for you. Being friendly and sociable will definitely help you in building a healthy social life and a successful career. By inviting more people into your life, you also welcome more experiences, more opinions and perspectives, more learning, and ultimately more fun! If you are the timid type or someone who finds it difficult to connect with others, here are 3 simple steps you can do to help you be more approachable to people. Step 1: Smile. The easiest, simplest and most basic way to invite people into your life is to smile. A smile reflects positivity and warmth, making you seem more inviting and hospitable, even to strangers. Showing a neutral face is not the same, as it is being perceived more as negative rather than positive. Keep smiling to project a positive vibe that others would want to be close to. Step 2: Help Others Connect. If you’re shy about meeting new people, remember that you are not the only one. Make it your goal to help others who are even less socially adept than yourself. When you are in a socially awkward situation, look for others who might be feeling the same way as you do. Try to get to know them and make them feel more comfortable. It will help you overcome your own shyness and you will be able to show them how to be approachable to people as well. It will also take the pressure off of you waiting around to be approached by other individuals. After all, there’s nothing wrong with making the first move! Step 3: Be Positive And Goal-Driven. It has been proven that optimistic and goal-oriented people are more appealing than those who have nothing going on with their lives. Pursue activities and hobbies that you find interesting and entertaining. List down goals you want to achieve and work at attaining them. Take care of yourself and find time to reflect. Help out others as well by being kind, generous and attentive to their needs. If others see how you are living life to the fullest and how much fun you are having, they will be more attracted to you without you even trying. Don’t let your shyness or your awkwardness define you or stop you from getting the best out of your situation. At the end of the day, learning how to be approachable to people is about putting your best self forward.
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