If you want to thrive in your career, you have to learn how to deal with difficult co-workers. After all, you can't always let them bully you into submission. Pretending they don't exist isn't going to help you much either. You have long since graduated from high school; and it's about time you take matters into your own hands. Here's how to deal with difficult co-workers the right way. Step 1: Be Strong And Steadfast. Dealing with difficult people, especially co-workers, can be challenging if you're not prepared to meet them head on. Unfortunately, not everybody has the self-confidence for it. Many of us are too introverted and full of self doubt that it's no wonder we have such a hard time controlling the situation. Difficult people have a nose for those whom they can push around and those whom they must immediately obey. By working on your self-confidence and self-esteem, you're making yourself almost infallible to their attacks. Bullies won't dare challenge you, slackers won't dare miss deadlines, and even the snobbiest member of the group will have no choice but to recognize your strength. Step 2: Remain In Control. He who keeps his cool wins the war. When learning how to deal with difficult co-workers, this should serve as your mantra. Sadly, in the workplace, it doesn't matter who was right or wrong in the first place. Once your supervisor catches you raising your voice or doing something violent - regardless of whether you've been provoked or not - you end up looking bad. So my tip for you is to keep calm and remain in control of your emotions at all times. Step 3: Keep Things Professional. Let's take a co-worker who sprouts nothing but negativity every time there's a meeting. I know it's really frustrating to have somebody like this in your group; but instead of tearing your hair out, you can sort out the situation in a more civilized manner. Listen to your co-worker's complaints and list them down. Then, address the points one by one and offer your suggestions. You don't have to commit yourself to this person as a therapist or counselor might do - that isn't in your job description. Limit yourself to simple suggestions and then pass the person on to higher management or the HR department. Now that you know how to deal with difficult co-workers, perhaps you can work on other aspects of your social skills.
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