The process on how to reinvent yourself is very empowering. You might not realize it yet, but you have all it takes to truly ignite change. Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise. Read on to learn how to reinvent yourself! Step 1: Assess yourself. The first thing you need to do is take a look at yourself. What do you want to change about yourself? Is it the way you interact with your colleagues? Perhaps you want to be more outgoing and confident. Do you have strengths that you wish you could show off more and weaknesses you'd like to work on? Before you start reinventing yourself, you have to at least know what you're working with and what you want changed. The more specific you are; the better. This will give you direction and allow you to focus on the right things. Step 2: Start small. Learning how to reinvent yourself doesn't always require you to do outrageous things. It's good advice to take things slow, especially in the beginning. If you want to eliminate your fear of public speaking, for example, you don't have to force yourself to give an impromptu speech at a public event. You can start by joining a community club which helps people develop their public speaking skills or even start reciting speeches in the privacy of your room. These small steps might not seem as impressive as the stories you've heard from others, but they are just as crucial to the reinvention process. Step 3: Get physical. What you look like on the outside is secondary to what you are on the inside, but you have to admit that it is part of the reinvention process. For example, if you want to be taken more seriously, perhaps it's time you traded in your slouchy shirts for more streamlined button downs. Everything from the way you style your hair to the kind of shoes you wear can affect how you look and feel about yourself. Try hiring a stylist for a day - someone who can help you create your wardrobe. A cheaper alternative is to look at the numerous fashion blogs online and take down notes. Learning how to reinvent yourself is a journey everyone has to take at least once in his lifetime. If done correctly and for the right reasons, you'll definitely come out on the other side a better version of yourself.
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