Many aspiring entrepreneurs hardly break even, while others really know how to run a successful business. Whether you're just starting out, or you find yourself stuck in a rut, this article will give you the much-needed advice to help you flourish in your business pursuits. Below are some of the proven tips on how to run a successful business. 1) Give good service. One of the most important things you have to remember is that service is everything. It can make or break your business. I've seen enough proof of this to really stand by this advice. When a prospect comes in your store and is ignored by you or your people, chances are, he or she will not go back there a second time. What's even more heartbreaking is that the prospect will most probably tell his or her friends about the experience. Word-of-mouth is a powerful thing; so make it your ally, not your enemy. Since you may not always be around, you have to train your staff to be courteous and polite to everybody. They have to assist everyone, even those who look like they're not going to buy anything. They may not be ready to buy now, but they are more likely to return if you treat them well. This is one of the keys on how to run a successful business. 2) Take care of your employees. Happy employees work more efficiently. While you can't exactly be as generous as Oprah (who actually treated her staff and their families to a long cruise), you can be a bit more lenient in other ways. For example, treat them like your friends. Give them the respect and attention they craze. Give them a raise if they deserve it. Allow them opportunities for growth. Treat them to exclusive perks like a 20% discount on all store items. Avoid favoritism because it only encourages rivalry, which is not always healthy in the work place. 3) Give customers more than they ask for. Customers value experience. If you want to know how to run a successful business, this is the way to do it. When a client comes into your office hoping for a consultation, why not throw in a free cup of coffee while you're at it? I know somebody who owns a medium-sized salon. In this salon, customers don't only get their hair cut. They also get a nice head and shoulder massage for free. These
are very simple tips on how to run a successful business. Money
is not always the issue here. Customer service and relations
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