Blogs are all the rage these days. If you haven't caught up to the trend yet, perhaps it's time you learn how to start a blog. I believe you know how to operate a computer and have been exposed to the World Wide Web. If you've reached this sentence and still don't know what I'm talking about, you're going to need to acquaint yourself with the Internet. If, however, you do understand what I'm talking about and you want to learn how to have a blog, then you've come to the right place! Step 1 On How To Start A Blog: Open An Account. The first thing you have to do is to open an account. There are a lot of free accounts available for those who are just starting out. I highly recommend livejournal.com, blogspot.com and wordpress.com. You can browse through their sample blogs or check to see whether their services and style match your preferences. During this time, you are also encouraged to check out other blogs. Learn from them and be inspired. Step 2 On How To Start A Blog: Choose A Topic. Most blogs have niche topics. Personal blogs serve as online diaries. There are blogs dedicated to fashion. Some talk only of cars. Others choose to talk about food and dining. The topic is up to you. While you don't necessarily have to limit yourself to a specific subject, doing so boosts the chance of your blog being noticed and read by people who share the same interests as you. Step 3 On How To Start A Blog: Make Friends. At this point, you should have started writing entries on your blog already! Find blogs that catch your interest and leave a comment on their entries. Make sure to leave a link to your own blog as well, so they can check what you're all about. Making friends introduces your blog to more bloggers and readers out there. No sense starting a blog with no one to read it, right? If
you want to know how to start a blog on the right foot, you
must begin with yourself. You will eventually move on to larger
circles and share more of yourself with the rest of the blogging
world. Important Message: Want a complete step-by-step guide to getting paid ridiculously HUGE sums of MONEY for writing about something you love? CLICK HERE now to find out how. (Take advantage of a $20.00 discount if you act fast.) *** Please feel free to publish this article, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to mike@20daypersuasion.com