Knowing how to win a guy over doesn't require good looks or a head-turning body. It's true! If you look around, you will see many less-attractive girls who have cute dates or hot boyfriends. The truth is, it's all about the charm. And don't worry if you think you weren't born with that natural appeal; you can work on it. Here are a few tips on how to win a guy over. Tip # 1: Like Yourself First. First of all, how do you expect other people to like you when you don't even like yourself? Confidence is key, and you can only be truly confident when you are comfortable in your own skin. Don't think too much about your flaws; everyone has them. When you accept yourself for your imperfections, you also get rid of your insecurities. Focus on your assets instead and play on them. Tip # 2: Be A Friend. If you want to know how to win a guy over, you start by really knowing him. What does he like to do? Where does he like to go? Where did he grow up? What is his family like? Spend some time with him and find out about his interests. Tell him about yourself too, and do things together. Becoming friends with a guy doesn't only mean that you get to know him - he also gets to know you. Having a connection is very important, especially if you're looking to build a relationship with him. Tip # 3: Be Patient. Knowing how to win a guy over doesn't happen overnight. You can't force someone to like you, or make him feel the same way that you do. Being obsessive will just drive him away, whether he has feelings for you or not. Let him have his space and let things run their natural course. If in the end he decides that he doesn't feel that way for you, don't push it. Yes, rejection is always hard. But think of it this way: though you may not see it, you two might be incompatible. Someone else more suited for you is out there. There are many other tips on how to win a guy over, and you shouldn't be afraid to try them out. If some don't work out though, don't be too hard on yourself; it happens. Move on and keep trying. You'll find the right person. You are a great catch, after all. Ladies, Click
Here To Know How To Become A Guy Magnet
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