The need to improve interpersonal communication skills grows urgent every day. It's a skill set highly sought after by companies big and small. After all, these skills have been used to negotiate treaties, peace talks, salary raises and basically anything else you can think of. They have been used to win battles, campaigns and client deals. Whatever your battlefield is, they will come to your rescue. Improve your interpersonal communication skills using the tips below. Step 1: Address People By Their Names. Knowing the names of the people you talk to, and using their names, give you power. People like hearing their name because it shows that you acknowledge their presence. Besides, everyone has been trained to respond to their name since birth. For example, when asking for an update on a company project, say, "Hey [insert name], what's the latest on Project X?" Using people's names also makes them feel more at ease with you. Just don't overdo it since that might give people the wrong idea. Step 2: Be More Relatable. One way to improve interpersonal communication skills is to become more relatable or at least, foster an appearance of being more relatable. Why? Because when people find something in common with you, they are more inclined to trust you. Don't act all high and mighty with the people around you, because that merely breeds animosity and contempt. No matter what anyone says, you can't force cooperation or openness. Step 3: Be Appreciative. Another good practice to improve your interpersonal communication skills is showing your appreciation. People are seldom thanked these days. Sure, serving you coffee is part of the secretary's job, but that doesn't mean a little thank you won't go a long way. What about the security guard who opens the door for you? That merits an appreciative smile or a nod at least. Being appreciative not only gives others a really good impression, it also paves the way for a smooth sailing relationship. With these tips on how to improve interpersonal communication skills, you are now equipped to face another day of work. This time, however, you will find changes big and small happening all around you. You will realize how different people react to a person who remembers their name, has the ability to mingle with everybody and appreciates their efforts.
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