Do you want to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you? Then perhaps it's about time you leave the confines of your bedroom and start taking action. There are numerous way to find out whether he still has feelings for you or not. Read on to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you. 1) Does he compliment you on any new changes? Many women like to get over a break-up by getting a make-over. They get a new hair cut, go to the gym and even buy new clothes. If you haven't done this already, then what else are you waiting for? Not only does this give you a new start, it also paves the way for you to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you. Once he sees you out and about looking better than ever, observe his reaction. If he compliments you and lets his eyes linger longer than he normally would, then your ex boyfriend might still feel something for you. 2) Does he bring up the subject of your break-up? When guys bring up the subject of the break-up, it usually means that he might actually be second-guessing how the relationship ended. He might actually be trying to get the idea of the two of you having another try and getting back together again. Guys, after all, aren't known for their eagerness to discuss their feelings. If he's even trying to bring it to the table, then you know that he is seriously considering getting back together. This is one of the stronger indications you can look out for should you want to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you. 3) Does he hang around still? Another effective way to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you is if he hangs around the places you usually frequent. If you think that's only because you two have always had the same taste, why don't you try hanging out at a new restaurant or café? If he turns up, then he's probably not that over you yet. If he makes himself available to you whenever you want, that too is quite telling of his feelings. These are just some of the ways for you to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you. At the end of the day, it's still better if you talk to him about what he really wants to do. The only way to know for certain is for you to get the confirmation straight from him. Click Here to discover the ultimate solution to get your ex back and save your relationship! Stop your break up, divorce or lovers rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless!
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