There are many ways to make money as a photographer. If you're creative enough, you can easily earn a pretty good income with your camera! Anyone can take decent pictures that could help them earn some bucks. For tips on how to make money as a photographer, read on! Tip # 1: Get In Touch With Your Local School. Remember those days when you had to get ready for a class picture? Well, not a lot of people realize this, but there's money to be made from that gig. Why don't you pay your old alma mater (or any other school in your vicinity) a visit and give them a proposal? Set up a meeting so you can show them a copy of your portfolio as well. After all, how hard can taking a class picture be? Who knows? If they like your work and your attitude enough, they might just hire you again and again! Tip # 2: Submit Your Photos To Stock Photo Websites. One of the best ways to make money as a photographer is by sending your photos to stock photo sites. Stock photos are bought and used by companies and individuals who need specific images for their presentations. Look at various stock photo websites online and see what kind of pictures are in high demand. Some of the stock photo sites include: Shutterstock.com Fotolia.com Bigstockphoto.com Istockphoto.com Canstockphoto.com Photostockplus.com Right now, I can tell you that most of the pictures that sell involve money, people in offices, people presenting and hand gestures. The more creative and attractive your pictures are, the more chances you have of making sales! Tip # 3: Be Present At Events. Parties and other events always need official photographers. Why don't you see what activities are lined up in your community? Is there a charity event happening soon? Make your services known. Is a family friend getting married? Make yourself available for a small fee. There is really no limit to how you can make money as a photographer. If you really enjoy what you're doing, everything will just fall into place. Of course, that doesn't give you an excuse to just stay as you are either. Read up on how you can improve yourself as a photographer. Polish your skills in public speaking, so you can better persuade people to take you up on your services. And make sure to always have a calling card with you. You never know where your name and number might end up. The next thing you know, the number of photography gigs you have has tripled! Important Message: Want to know the secrets to make money taking photos? Yes, you too can sell your digital photos online and easily earn massive income with your camera. Discover the secrets at: http://www.squidoo.com/sellyourdigitalphotosonline *** Please feel free to publish this article, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to mike@20daypersuasion.com
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