Vision boards are an excellent way of communicating your desires to the universe. A lot of groups often include vision boards as part of their activities. When you make your own vision board, you'll find yourself learning a lot about yourself as well. There are times when you don't exactly know why you are drawn to the picture of a house and then two months later, you realize that you're living in it! Indeed, vision boards can be quite powerful. If you want to know how to make your own vision board, read on! Step 1: Focus on what you want. First of all, you have to be clear about what you're creating your vision board for. Do you want something specific like a new house or a new car? Or do you want to improve your career in general? By focusing on your intent, you will be able to send out a better message to yourself and the universe as well. Step 2: Get your materials ready to make your own vision board. You will need to have a poster board and many magazines. You can choose your magazines depending on what you want to focus on. You'll also need glue to paste your pictures on the board. Step 3: Cut out the pictures that call at you. To make your own vision board, start cutting out pictures from the magazines. You don't have to justify everything on the spot. You can also cut out words that seem to jump at you from the page. These pictures (or words) are meant to represent your desires, so there really is no wrong or right choice. Step 4: Gather them all together for your vision board. After cutting out the pictures, gather them all together. This is the time when you start editing. You'll need to ask yourself which pictures fit your intention and which ones don't. Step 5: Make your own vision board. Now that you have sorted through your pictures, glue them to your board. There is no one way of arranging them. It all depends on what you think is right. For example, you could arrange them all according to category or create a story out of them. Personally, I don't have a set pattern. I paste them one at a time, just following my intuition. You don't have to be a visionary to make your own vision board. That happens after the project is done. Anyone, even kids themselves, will have a lot of fun doing this activity. Vision boards help make you conscious of your desires; and in turn, make you even more determined to fulfill them.
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