Some people have devoted their whole lives to unearthing prosperity secrets. And now, you too, can learn all about these life-changing philosophies. Contrary to what you might think, these secrets don't require you to make offerings or anything drastic. In fact, you might be surprised at how simple they are. To learn more about these prosperity secrets, read on! Prosperity Secret # 1: Make Room for Something New. If you want to attract wealth and abundance, there should always be room for something new in your life. If your life is too cramped, how do you expect new things to come your way? Start with your closet. How many clothes, bags and accessories do you have lying around that you don't even wear? Sort them all out and decide which ones to give away and which ones should stay. Spring cleaning is more than just therapeutic. It opens you up to a more prosperous future! Take a page from celebrities like Kelly Rowland and Christie Brinkley who clean out their closets to donate to charity. Not only do you get to invite abundance into your life, you also get to donate your clothes to people who need them, which I believe will guarantee you a pretty steady flow of good karma too! Prosperity Secret # 2: Stick to the Positive. We can't always choose what happens to us, but we can at least choose the general direction of our life. And the one direction you want to be in is the one that brings out the best in you. Lay all your negative thoughts to rest and do your best to remain in good company. Think positive thoughts and hang out with positive people. Prosperity Secret # 3: Visualize Your Success. Visualization has a chapter of its own in the prosperity secrets handbook. Imagine yourself living the life you've always wanted. Fancy cars, a healthy relationship, a thriving business… everything begins with a vision. Why do you think companies and organizations have a mission-vision in the first place? Every person should have a vision of where they want to see themselves in the future and imagine having said ambition come true now. Don't be bothered by how impossible your goals may seem to be. Think Chris Gardner-the man whose life inspired the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness." In one year, he was able to change his life from having nothing to having his own brokerage firm. Prosperity secrets are now at your very fingertips. Whatever you do with this knowledge is up to you. Your destiny depends on the choices you make.
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