"Save my relationship!" Well, that's a cry for help if I ever heard one! There's no need to be embarrassed or shy about asking for help. Everybody has hit a relationship block at one point or another. The important thing here is that you realize that something needs to be done about it. A lot of people who wave the "save my relationship" flag don't really know what to do, or how to go about fixing their said relationship. But this article will help guide you through whatever it is that you and your partner are going through. Relationship Advice # 1: Know The Root Of The Problem. Find out what's wrong. If you really want to save your relationship, you need to get to the root of the matter. Sometimes, an argument about leftover dinners is not just about leftover dinners. Sometimes, it's a whole lot deeper than that. Don't be so surprised. A lot of people actually mask their true feelings by venting out on other trivial matters instead. You should take the time to really talk things over with your partner. The sooner you talk, the faster you can fix your relationship. Relationship Advice # 2: Tell Your Partner, "I Love You." Do it everyday. It doesn't matter how long you two have been together, you should never ever withhold that message ever. When a relationship is in trouble, hearing those words sometimes makes everything better. It's basically a reminder that you still hold the torch for your significant other, even though things haven't exactly been going smooth lately. Saying "I love you" to your spouse is much better than saying "save my relationship" to a counselor, right? Relationship Advice # 3: Do Something Fun Together. You may be busy as a bee at work, but you still have to pay attention to your personal life. Spend a weekend together, just the two of you. Go stay at a hotel, have a romantic dinner and dance the night away. If you can't spare even just a weekend, I'm sure you can spare a quick lunch or at least go home early tonight so you can have dinner together. You don't have to do anything extravagant. You can stay at home, order take-out and watch a movie; and it will still help you with your relationship. A lot of people who scream "save my relationship!" end up standing by and watching everything fall apart. Don't be one of those people. Instead, do everything you can - big or small - to nurture yours.
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