Having a tough time thinking of sweet things to say to your boyfriend? If you try searching online for sweet words to say, majority of the results you get are often in favor of men. However, guys do like to hear nice things from their partners. Guys are always expected to say nice things to girls, but why not make a change? Do your share of the intimacy in your relationship. Speak up and make your man appreciate you more by doing so yourself. Some of the sweet things to say to your boyfriend are actually the simplest. This will surely add zest and color to the bond you share. Words may come as plain remarks, although to some these are powerful expressions of devotion and love, depending on how they are said. Here are some scenarios that you might want to take note of. 1) Men may seem tough and impassive at times, but they do have that soft side. They want their women to comfort them in words and in presence. So always be ready with sweet things to say to your boyfriend, even if it's as simple as "Thank you for always being there for me" or "I love you." Take time to appreciate everything he's done for you. 2) Women hate it when guys are late in their agreed time. Instead of making a scene, say this instead, "Are you ok? Is everything alright?" Try to listen to his reason before bursting out. It will be best if you listen first before mouthing uncalled for comments. 3) Men do not like naggers. This is the reason why so many relationships fail because men could not take the agony of hearing women keeping on at them. Instead of being so negative all the time, always have some sweet things to say to your boyfriend. 4) After long hours of work, it would be nice of you to ask him, "Have you eaten already? Can I offer you something?" By doing so, your boyfriend would be pleased to know that he is important to you and that you truly care. But try not to barrage him with so many questions because these may aggravate him. 5) Compliment your boyfriend with such statements as "You really look good tonight/today." Give him an earnest flattering remark. Make him feel confident about himself by praising and uttering nice words about his appearance, or even his attitude and skills. Be careful in choosing your words. As much as possible, be honest about it. When
making remarks or having sweet things to say to your boyfriend,
remember to say them at the right time and place. Timing is
crucial. It could make or break a compliment. Do not just blurt
out in the open because you want to do so. Pick the right moment
to say those sweet words to your man. Resource
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